In this article, we will discuss how to increase the glans of the penis using various techniques.
signs of increase
Enlargement of the glans is required in many cases:
- man's desire
- The diameter of the head is smaller than the diameter of the barrel;
- its size does not allow for a full sex life;
- Correction after plastic surgery aimed at thickening the penis;
- An extender cannot be used to increase the length of the penis.
It is possible to enlarge the head of the male reproductive organs even when there is no medical indication.
A significant advantage of increasing the size of the head is its increased sensitivity, which has a positive effect on erection and also makes the sensation during intercourse more vivid.
IF head enlargement exercises
They can be done at home. The exercises to increase the head of the penis are as follows:
- First, let the body enter an erection state;
- Squeeze the base of the penis firmly and hold this position until it is as hard as possible. When this happens, release your finger for a few seconds. When the member starts to weaken, squeeze it again at the base. Repeat 10-15 times;
- Sit on the edge of the bed with your legs as wide as possible. Gently squeeze the base of your penis with your thumb and forefinger, and tap your left and right thighs in turn. You should not experience pain or discomfort while exercising. It is recommended to repeat this exercise for 5-7 minutes;
- Squeeze the base of the penis firmly. After that, start using your other hand to slowly move the grip up, without reducing your grip. While doing this exercise, you'll want to try and repeat jelqing's technique. Duration - 10-12 minutes.

Special movements stimulate blood flow to the upper part of the body, which helps blood vessels to dilate. Therefore, the volume of the head gradually increases.
Do pills and ointments help?
With the help of topical preparations, it is not possible to increase the volume of the head.
Good results can only be obtained with combined practice. These funds will simply improve circulation and allow you to slide your fingers along the shaft of your penis as you exercise.
Tablets do little to improve circulation:
- Capsules containing natural ingredients stimulate testosterone production for more stable erections and brighter orgasms.
- A medicine based on natural ingredients that stimulate blood flow to the organs and increase the volume of the penis and head.
However, you should not be completely dependent on medication. This effect, if any, will be short-lived.
An Introduction to Hyaluronic Acid - A Working Method
This is a non-surgical method of increasing the glans of the penis. In this case, hyaluronic acid is injected into the problem area by injection under local anesthesia. Approximately 10 ml of gel will significantly change the size of the head. After the operation, she looked upright while resting.
Hyaluronic acid is the natural matrix of human soft tissue, so its introduction does make the head bulky and does not cause allergic reactions. Usually, the injection method is used after surgery to lengthen the penis.
The gel is gradually absorbed, so the effect achieved by the introduction of hyaluronic acid must be corrected from time to time. About every 1. 5-2 years, reintroduction is required.
There are some contraindications to this method. It is forbidden to inject the gel into the head of the penis in the following cases:
- if the man has a sexually transmitted disease;
- in the process of inflammation that spreads to the male reproductive organs;
- the presence of genital warts;
- When the foreskin is too long or too narrow, the glans of the penis are difficult to open.
fat filler
Fat grafting is a minimally invasive procedure that allows you to increase the volume of your head. Fat collected from male body parts (stomach, buttocks) is injected into soft tissue. This is a safe procedure because fatty tissue is not rejected by the body. The advantage of this method is that after a few months, 70% of the fat remains in place, despite a small amount of the material being absorbed.
Fat fillers are not performed if the man has diabetes, chronic infectious processes, cardiovascular disease, liver, lung and kidney disease.
After this type of surgery, it is not recommended to have sex within 20 days as this can lead to displacement of the introduced biomaterial, which can lead to deformation of the upper part of the penis.
Use of electrical appliances
At home, you can try methods to increase the head of the penis, such as using an extender and a vacuum pump. Although they are usually used to change the length of the penis, the head also becomes more bulky.

The use of a pump allows you to increase the size of your body evenly. The essence of the device is negative pressure. With it, you can quickly increase the volume of your penis (including the head), which allows you to use the pump right before sex. The effect of application is temporary, and an extender that is worn regularly will achieve long-lasting results.
in conclusion
There is no absolutely safe way to increase the penis head. Surgery has contraindications and risks, and exercise using the wrong technique can be detrimental, so it is best to discuss increased expediency with a urologist.